CHAPTER Dengue |
But now, CHAPTER I returned to bleed red-and-out after the feces, but so far I am very diligent exercising and eating-nutritious foods. The day before this incident I feel bloated and the fullness in my stomach Doc. And after I read an article on the internet that these same characteristics with colon or gastric cancer. I was terrified Doc. What's the solution? Thank you.
Wagiman (Married man, 36 years), waslap_XXXX@yahoo.comHeight 170 cm and weight 75 Kg
Wagiman brother, in fact many of the factors causing the occurrence of bleeding during defecation. Could be due to bleeding peptic ulcers, chronic enteritis bleeding, hemorrhoids, or due to colon cancer.
The colon is part of the digestive system to store food waste. While the rectum is the end of the large intestine near the anus. Both are long tubular called the colon.
Tumors of the colon and rectum is the growth arising from the inner wall of the colon. Benign tumors of the colon called polyps. Whereas malignant tumors of the colon is called cancer.
To find out more should I suggest to do a colonoscopy back and bring the results of your colonoscopy reports for free consult directly. With so could be the reason or cause is known precisely and can be immediately known to the appropriate further treatment.
Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:
Easily tired
Frequent shortness of breath and dizziness
Abdominal pain in the lower
Had diarrhea
There was blood in feces
Form of manure (feces) long and small like a pencil.
Prof. Dr. Li Zhong YuanIs a physician at the Hospital of Modern Cancer Hospital, Guangzhou which is a private hospital that has been recognized Government of China Ministry of Health, under the auspices of the foundation group 'Bo Ai'.
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