trouble heart |
Do not take for granted if it has legs that can not keep quiet, always wanted to move back and forth or kicking while sleeping. Research shows patients with restless legs syndrome 2 times more vulnerable to heart attack.
"This disorder does not cause heart attacks, but could be indicative of risk factors to watch," said Dr. Arshad Jahangir, a cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic Arizona, as reported from Dailymail, Wednesday (04/06/2011).
Restless leg syndrome or restless leg syndrome is a neurological (nerve) which causes the legs just did not want to silence even while sleeping. This disorder is one of the factors triggering the stress because it reduces the quality of sleep.
cancer |
cancer or malignant neoplasms is a disease characterized by a typical cell cycle abnormalities that give rise to cells' ability to:
1.uncontrolled growth (cell division beyond the normal limits)
2.attacked the nearby biological tissue.
3.migrate to other body tissues through blood circulation or lymphatic system, called metastasis.
Three characters that distinguish this malignant cancer from benign tumors. Most cancers form a tumor, but some do not, such as leukemia. The branch of medicine dealing with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer are called oncologists.
In general, cancer cells form a tumor, except in leukemia. The reaction between acid tetraiodotiroasetat by inhibiting the activity of integrins is the hormone thyroxine and tri-iodotironina which is one of the factors that play a role in angiogenesis and tumor cell proliferation. [2] Uncontrolled growth is caused by damage to DNA, causing mutations in vital genes that control cell division . Some mutations may be required to transform normal cells into cancer cells. These mutations are often caused by chemical or physical agents called carcinogens. Mutations can occur spontaneously (obtained) or inherited (germline mutations).